Monday, October 6, 2008

Sale is Over

Well things have settle down with our sale finally ending. God is amazing . When we think we have capped our sales off he shows us we were wrong. So we had a very successful sale. Boy I am tired though and I have much to catch up on being a Mom and Wife! My Mom is out of the hospital and seems to be doing well. She has damage to her cerebrum . Her emotions and though process has some healing to do. But she is walking with a walker! Here is a copy/paste e-mail from one of my long time consignors. I am not posting this to get a well job done Teri response. But more to show how God can use so many people that are involved with our sales. If you honor him everything else falls in place! Dear Teri and consignors, I have been consigning with Teri for many years and have never known what a difference the donated items could make. We have recently been licensed as foster parents with Iredell county. On Friday night we received a 3 year old girl to our home with nothing but the clothes on her back. All of the clothes that she had were too big for her and very dirty and worn. We had to throw these clothes out. On Saturday I contacted Teri because I knew that she donates to the Foster parent association after her sale. I told her the story of this little girl and she graciously let me look through the donated items on Saturday after the conclusion of the sale. I would like to extend a personal thank you to all consignors that are willing to donate their items that do not sell. Thanks to all of you this little girl has clothes and shoes to get her through the Fall and Winter. I would like to send a special thank you to the shopper whom I have never met that overheard me telling our story to Teri. She bought this little girl several outfits and shoes and handed them to me in a bag before she left the sale. This wonderful lady had never met me or this child before but gave from the goodness in her heart. Teri, your sale is a testimony to so many and I would like to thank you for what you do for our community. Anne C