Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Apples, Diet and Money

Our field trip started out with some excited yesterday. 1 mile down the road from the school and the bus broke down ! God was good though and a local Church brought their bus to take us to the Apple Orchard. We were about 1 hr late but the kids had fun. I bought my apples for my apple butter so the beginning of next week I will be making my Christmas gifts. I am extra excited about Christmas this year! Maybe it is because I have already bought a present for the family. The kids have never had a game system .One reason is because we hear so many negative things how they can affect your kids BRAIN and also family time .We decide though to get a Wii for the family. It will be though hooked up at our family TV and all games must be rated with a E. Robert and I decide a long time ago we wanted to guard our kids heart and mind. We want what goes in their brain to be wholesome. My kids have no idea they are getting a Wii so mums the word. They don't read my blog either. I am on Day 3 of the biggest loser. So far so good except the exercise part. I walked a mile and my NEW heal spur on my right food is hurting badly. I have a appointment next Tuesday for a cortisone shot. Last time I had one it cleared up quickly and no problem with the old heal spur. It is really painful though. I have been asked by many about the bad check saga .I did e-mail her Monday and told her Tuesday was the last day she could pay. After Tuesday legally I can turn it over the magistrate office. Yes she will be served with a warrant for worthless check. She will have to pay it with court fines. She will not go to jail as long as she pays the check when it goes to court. But she will have a record. I feel so bad for her kids and husband but I have given her MANY chances to pay. What she has done is sin. Sin has consequences. I hope she learns from it. I am still sad though over the whole situation . 500.00 is a lot of money and I need to take care of my family too!