Wednesday, January 23, 2008

He Seems to be better

The Dr told Robert yesterday that he needed to be in the hospital. Today Robert gets up and seems much better. He is not 100% but he is not complaining of pain in his pancreas. The Dr office called and said his Cat Scan was clear. He will go in the morning and have his blood level check. Robert did promise me if the levels were going up and not going down he would go to the hospital to be put on a IV. He is suppose not to eat anything except broth or water. The only way you can cure pancresitis is by resting it which means no FOOD. Do you have a husband that you have to pull information out of? I do!!! He finally shared with me last night the Dr said is level of pancrestist was in the moderate level. Something about your level should be in the 100's. Robert was in the 7,000. Shows you the power of prayer! Elijah stayed home with a tummy ache today. He told me though that the other kids at school said when they are sick they ALWAYS get a new toy... He said it with a very sly smile.