Thursday, January 10, 2008

Did you see that!

History for those who are reading my blog for the first time. I was born with terrible eyesight. I started wearing glasses as a young child . When I became a teenager years ago it was not cool to have glasses. So I stop wearing them. It is a miracle I made it through my teen driving years because I could not see while I was driving. I made good grades in school and that is another feat in itself because I could not see the board! After HS I was able to wear hard contacts. As I approached 45 ( clearing my throat) my sight really started going down hill. I was having to wear hard contacts along with reading glasses to be able too see. To make matters worse I could not even read large print or even read with the kids. My husband easily talked me into getting lazik done. To make a VERY long story shorter I was not a candidate for lazik because of the severity of my eyesight plus the fact I was over 40. So I had Restore ( vision lens replacements) done. I then developed a minor complication and had a YAG procedure done. six months later I had lazik in both eyes and recently went through a touch up lazik on my left eye. This whole journey took a year! Well I have good news to report! Yesterday one month post OP on my left eye I am now 20/20 -2 ( which basically means I am almost 20/20 . In my right eye I am 20/20. It takes about one year of healing to get final results. So now I can say I SAW that and mean it