Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Collards Ham and Blackeye Peas and prayer

Happy New Year! I hope your eating your collards, ham and blackeye peas today! For those from the north that is what Southern folks eat traditionally for New Years. Collards represent (money) , Blackeyes ( luck) and ham is for (health ) OK before you wrinkle up your nose and say YUCK, you must try the collards southern style. They are delicious and terrible for your health they way we cook them, FRIED in fatback! OH well it is only once a year that I cook fresh collards this way. I have a unspoken personal prayer request. God knows exactly what is on my heart today and he is bigger than any problem I can bring to him. I know God is in control, I know he loves me, I know he loves my family and he will take care of us…I know that none of us know the outcome and I shouldn’t play thoughts of the unknown in my mind. But…I can’t help it sometimes…Satan you may hold my thoughts captive at times and you may pull me down sometimes but I have Victory and you can never win that battle!! Praise GOD for that! Love too all this New Year Day! OFF to eat my collards YUMMY