Monday, June 23, 2008

A simple act of love

Last Wednesday night I went to youth hang-out time at Church. Before Bible study (Daniel/Youth pastor) came up with some ice breaker games. One of the games you had to pick a partner. I was sitting there wondering if anyone would pick me. I expected the youth to pick up their buddies before me of course. I am not a game person so it was not a big deal if I sat out. I looked up and there comes my daughter Allyson across the room smiling. She picked her MOM. I know as your reading this your thinking how silly for a grown woman to almost cry over her daughter picking her as her partner. BUT I WAS so TOUCHED. She could had picked one her friends you know. This small act of love was actually a HUGE act of love. It shows me and GOD how unselfish she is. Her act of love showed how much she honors God also. There is no greater way to honor God than to honor our parents. It was awesome to spend time that night with Allyson and her friends. I also enjoyed the Bible Study and learned something too about God's word. Parents of youth I challenged you to visit your sons/daughter's youth group. I know as parents of teens we think they would be embarrassed if you walk in their youth group. I promise you they will not be. They really do want us involved in their lives. I do suggest that you warn them though first ;-) Our youth kids need us even more now than ever with the challenges in today's world. Also I let Allyson know how much that simple but HUGE act of love meant tooher Mom I cherish you Allyson Love Mommy.