Saturday, November 8, 2008


Robert made it too Wilmington safely. He and June ( Bill's wife) were able to go see Bill immediately. He is stable and sedated on a respirator in intensive care. Robert was able to get a clear picture from the nurse who is caring for Bill. What happen for some reason part of the colon lost blood supply. This caused that part to start "dying" The Dr removed the rotten part which was causing the infection. They flushed the pockets of infection out. They also clamped off the good part of the colon to prevent even more from dying off. He is stable right now but critical. They are watching his blood -pressure for signs of septic but PRAISE GOD all the blood work has come back good. His BP did drop last night and they became concern with him being septic but they determine that it was dehydration. Tomorrow morning they will go back in and flush him out again. He will then make a decision what they can do with his colon. He told June there was a possibility that he could reattach the colon back. He just doesn't know until he goes back in. If not he will go ahead and do the full colostomy at that time. Bill and June have one son who is in the Army ( pilot school). The Red Cross is flying him in today . I am going to stick here at home with the kids. Right now Robert's brother Ron is there and several other family members. God is working even through Bill's sickness. First they moved from NY to Wilmington. If he was still in NY Robert and his family would not been able to get to Bill quickly. Also Bill went in for a colonscopy JUST BECAUSE someone at his new job found out he had colon cancer. His regular physician said it was not time for one but Bill insist . If he had been in NY he would probably not had a early colonscopy. Please pray for Robert's parents, Billie and Barrette. They are having a hard time especially Billie. I will keep everyone updated. Again please pray