Thursday, November 13, 2008

Bill continues to do well. He is still in ICU . His white blood counts are going down. He still has a lot of recovery to do but he is doing well. Pray for his spirit to be lifted.He will probably be in the hospital for a couple more weeks. He still has no idea how sick he was or what happen during surgery. When he is ready the Dr's and June will tell him. There's something about a sickness that helps us see things we could never see before - There is something about hard times that shakes our priorities. I know Bill sickness has done that for me. It is hard too see God's hand in things when a sickness that almost takes someone life that you love. We have though been able too see God's work through all the tears and worries. 1. Bill and June lived in NY for many years. If he had not moved to NC his family would had not been able to get to him quickly. 2.The only reason he went in for a colonscopy was because someone that worked with him found out he had colon cancer. 3. If he had lived in NY and not taken a new job his cancer might had spread because of not have the colonscopy. 4. Because of this man's cancer at Bill's new job each person that worked with him got a colonscopy. 5. Bill almost died and our family and my children have seen a miracle. Do you really think all this happen because of being at the right place at the right time. NO IT WAS GOD!