Monday, December 1, 2008

Much to catch up on!

I have so much to catch up on. So sit back with your coffee! Thanksgiving was wonderful. Robert got up at 6:30 and smoke two turkeys all day. DELICIOUS! I did all the rest of the cooking and it of course was delicious. Mom, Dad , all my kids some of their friends my nephew . my brother and his girlfriend came over. We had a house full. After we cleaned up Allyson, Jason and their friends and I played Nertz. Nertz is fun but a very intense game. Allyson and her friends are very good and quick at playing and I got WOOPED! Friday morning I got up at 4:00 and went Black Friday shopping. I think everyone in Mooresville was shopping because the lines to get in Target were back up at least a MILE! I headed to Dicks first and got some GREAT deals for the guys in my life. Can't say more because they read our blog. Then I headed to the mad house at Target and got even more great deals! I was even able to get Guitar hero for 50.00 for the Wii the kids are getting from Santa. It was not easy getting it because everyone in Target was searching for one. The employees brought them out on a cart and people were just grabbing and actually it became dangerous to be in the middle of it all. Not a smart move on Target just say go for it! Caroline and Daddy ( Robert) went shopping to at 5:00. They had a BALL and Caroline is now hooked on Black Friday Shopping. She and her Daddy went out to breakfast. Have I said lately how incredible blessed I and the kids are to have a husband and father like Robert. Caroline will have the best memories of her Daddy because he is so unselfish! Saturday morning we went to breakfast and then headed up to the mountains for a tree. We found a beautiful and perfect Julian tree. We had such a wonderful time being together. When we came back to Mooresville we all went to Big Lots and bought Christmas presents ( toys) for families the toy store. The toy store run by the Southern Baptist is a really cool and very needed place for parent(s) who are struggling. to come get Christmas for their families . Each person who visit are presented the gospel. I forget the number from last year but many were saved through this ministry. Did I tell you lately how unselfish my kids are? We ended up with a cart full of toys and the kids said they were willing to give up their Christmas so others could have something for Christmas. Update on Bill. 32 days in the hospital. Spirits are low. His bowels are still not moving which is a concern. He has lost 40 lbs. Today he will go for a CAT scan to check two pockets of infection . Please keep praying.