Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Sneaky Husband

Last night Robert said look at all those beautifully wrap gifts. I wanted to say YES HONEY I wrapped them all. I looked down and under the tree was a package wrapped by a professional wrapper and it had my name on it. The wrapper was my husband Robert who wraps better than the ladies at Belks ! My brother-in law came home from the hospital yesterday. Please continue to pray for him and June. He has a long road ahead of him through his recovery. Hopefully he will be home for good until his next surgery. I took KFC too Allyson's class party yesterday at school. She even invited me to stay. The young people in her class( 12th) are the most polite kids and all of them made me feel welcome. Allyson has only 9 seniors in her class and they are super close! Here is a awesome and powerful song and video . Please take the time to watch it. Jesus is coming back and soon! Let me ask you a personal question "Are you sleeping"????