Friday, December 21, 2007

Christmas is officially begin at the Julian's

Today was the last day of school until NEXT YEAR! We get extra days out being a private school and we don't go back until Jan 7th. Caroline was a hoot in the parking lot at school. She said Mom Christmas does not officially begin for me until I leave this school parking lot. As soon as we left she screamed I am out for Christmas and starting taking her school uniform off ( in the back seat of my van) and put her jeans on. Robert has also officially began his Christmas vacation today and will be with us until Jan 2nd. We both love this time together as a family. I posted some pictures of our morning. The pictures have gotten out of order and there was no way I was going to reload them!! In one picture Elijah is making gingerbread cookies. His teacher read the cutest book about gingerbread and brought in the supplies so they could make their own. The picture of Caroline holding her gift was from her secret friend in class. The kids drew names and exchange gifts. There is also a picture of Caroline and her teacher, Miss McVey. Miss McVey is a wonderful teacher. This is her first year of teaching and she teaches those kids like a veteran teacher. She told me she just loved Caroline because she is so full of personality. ( I think that is a compliment). After school I took the kids to their favorite place to eat Chick FiletWhen we got there I almost turned around because it looked like half of Mooresville was there! Don't let the picture of Elijah hugging the cow fool you that he was being sweet. As I was cleaning up our mess at the table the kids went to the indoor playground. I heard a lady laughing and saying look at what that little boy is doing to that cow. I turned around and he had pulled the back of the poor cows' shirt up and was looking up his shirt and pulling his tail at the same time. That poor cow was getting tenderize for supper by my son! Well keep checking back with US... It should be a fun week with lots of news....Merry Christmas!