Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Dr Phobia Conquered today

Well I made it through my Dr phobia. Monday I went to the foot Dr and a cortisone injection in my foot for my Plantar Fasciitis. Wow what a difference after having the injection. I actually can bear weight on my foot without discomfort. Why did I wait so long? Today I went to meet my new Internist. We went over my history and talked. I go back the 1st of June for my full physical and fasting blood work. My BP was on the border line high 140/90. Not enough to start medicine but I need to watch it. I GOT To get myself in better shape. Now since I can walk I am going to start getting more exercise. Maybe looking to going back to WW. I need to lose about 30 lbs and I just can't seem to do it on my own. After meeting my Internist I headed over to the hospital to get my mammogram. Since guy folks read my blog I will not go into detail but you ladies know what I mean when I say discomfort. I have a family history of colon cancer ( My Mom and Her Father) so I am going next week to meet the Gastric Dr. to set up some test. I really am glad that I am getting this out of the way. I have many kids raising years left in me . I am also looking forwarded to grand kids! I made it through my Dr phobia today. I still have my physical and many test awiting me but I did make the FIRST step today...