Saturday, April 19, 2008


I am not sure if it is allergies or a cold but for about a week I have been miserable. My nose drips, a persistent cough, and a sore throat. The kids have also had the same symptom's. I am beginning to think we all have a combo cold/allergy illness! Last night I started coughing and could not sleep.I drank cough medicine, ate cough drops, drank cold water and nothing would help. Then I remember a friend telling me she read that if you rub VICK'S on your feet the coughing would stop. I was READY to try anything! So I rubbed my feet with Vick's and guess what the coughing stopped. Now the Internet said's the Vicks trick is a HOAX and NO WAY Vicks on your feet will stop a cough. Hey my coughing stopped. Try it