Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Our Next VP

Come on American Women . I feel like I am hearing something from the 50's These concerns and question about having a pregnant teen or how many kids they have would not be asked if this same thing happen to a man who was running for President or Vice President. Men SHOULD and do have the same pressures of being a parent ( no matter how many children they have) Men SHOULD and do have the same pressure of being a husband Men SHOULD and do have the same pressure of dealing with serious issues that effect their families. So what makes it different for a WOMAN When I read these concerns and questions it makes me think that the majority of being a parent rest on the woman's solely on a shoulder. What happen to equal partnership in a marriage and being a parent. Every candidate that is running for a office is married and has a family. It really hit me this morning as I was listening to a radio station. There were callers were saying she would make a irresponsible VP because she had a baby at 43, had five kids, carried a special need baby to term and her teen daughter was pregnant. Here I am a mother of five, had a baby at almost 44, carried my son who is mentally retarded and I am labeled irresponsible and should never be considered running for a important office or have a important role in society. I actually cried all the way home for this biggest reason I THOUGHT when we nominated a black man for president and Mrs Clinton almost won that just maybe we have started taking off blinders that all men and women are equal no matter what! I was wrong especially after what I have been reading on the liberal left wing websites and what I heard on the radio this morning....