Friday, May 23, 2008


Introducing our 2o08 Kindergarten Graduated.Kindergarten graduation is a huge event at the kids school. We were so impressed on everything the kids learn this year and they were so cute especially our Elijah. Yes Mommy and Daddy cried even at kindergarten graduation . Wonder what we will be like at his High-School graduation? Probably in a wheelchair ;-) Elijah had a great year academically also. He finished with S+ ( which is the best) in most of his subjects. A+ in Math. His teacher said her is a GREAT Math student ( took after Daddy)...... A- in reading. ( took after his Mom) Elijah is a very good reader and scored high on his end of the year test. Loves to read!!! Introducing Elijah Robert Julian the graduated! This is his teacher Mrs Paddock ( as you notice she was crying in the picture too) She was a GREAT teacher to these kids. What a blessing to our family.